This constitution represents the rules under which the North Bristol Triathlon Club shall be governed and is binding on all members.
1 Name
The club will be known as the North Bristol Triathlon Club or NBTC and shall be referred to as “the Club” throughout this document. This name may be contracted to NBTC for publicity purposes.
2 Aims
2.1 The aim of the Club is to provide opportunities foritsmembers to meet and enjoy and to gain experiencein Triathlon sport as defined and recognisedby British Triathlon.
2.2 The Club is run for the benefit of its members and run as a non- commercial basis and is a not-for-profit organisation.
2.3 The club objectives are too:
- Offer coaching and competitive opportunities.
- Promote the club and triathlon as a sport within the local community.
- Ensure that all members receive fair and equal treatment.
- Support the opportunities to take part in competitive or recreational
3 Affiliation and Insurance
3.1 The committee shall use all reasonable endeavours to ensure that the club is insured against third party liability claims.
3.2 All members must provide details required by the Club’s insurers to permit them to be covered.
4 Membership
4.1 Membership will be open to all over 18 years of age at the date of application and have completed a membership form and paid the required fee.
4.2 Annual membership subscription will be paid by members at a rate determined at the Annual General Meeting.
4.3 Members must abide by the spirit of this Constitution.
4.4 Any member under suspension shall be barred from taking part in any club event.
4.5 Membership fees are forfeited for membership that resigned, suspended or terminated.
4.6 The Committee shall inform a member in writing of any decision to suspend or terminate their membership.
4.7 Any member who has their membership terminated or suspended may apply for reinstatement at the next AGM,
4.8 Any member who has had their membership terminated or suspended has the right to have their case heard via the club’s disciplinary process detaile in appendix 5.
5 The Committee
5.1 The Club will be run by an elected committee and this Committee will be made up of the officers listed below. All positions shall be voluntary and unpaid.
- Captain
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Membership and Social Secretary
- Training and Events Coordinator
- Welfare Officer
- Covid Officer
5.2 The officers will commence their positions on the day following their election at the AGM. The responsibilities of the officers shall be as set out in Appendix 2.
5.3 Club members may self nominate for any role on the committee at least 14 days prior to the AGM through either a Facebook post in the Members group, or via email to All nominations will be summarised and published 7 days prior to the AGM and will be voted into position (in person or remotely) at the AGM via majority vote.
5.4 All officers must be members of the Club.
5.5 A committee member may hold no more than one committee position save for in the event that a position is not filled. An existing officer may put themselves forward for the vacant position except for Captain who may not hold more than one position. No officer may hold more than two positions.
5.6 No officer may hold the position of Captain, Treasurer or Secretary for more than five consecutive years.
5.7 If an existing officer is re-nominated after five years and no other nominations are received for that position, then the AGM may vote to veto section 5.6.
5.8 Any officer who does not fulfil their duties may be relieved of their position by a majority decision taken by the Committee at a committee meeting.
5.9 Secretary may deputise in the Captain’s absence by agreement of the committee members present.
5.10 Each position carries one vote at a committee meeting with the Captain having the casting vote, unless 5.9 is in operation.
5.11 Any financial or legal liability incurred by committee officers during exercising their legitimate powers shall not be the personal liability of those individuals but shall be the responsibility of the Club.
5.12 The Committee may appoint any sub-committees it may deem necessary to deal with the matters of the Club. Any sub- committees shall report to the Committee.
5.13 If a committee position becomes vacant during the year apart from the Captain or Secretary an Extraordinary General Meeting is not required and the committee can appoint a club member to that position and inform the club of that appointment.
5.14 Any appointed committee members will have the same standing as an elected committee member.
6 Committee Meetings
6.1 Committee meetings must be held at least four times a year.
6.2 Attendance will be open to all Club members although only elected committee members will be entitled to vote.
6.3 A quorum of three committee members is required for committee meetings and must include either the Captain, Secretary or Treasurer.
6.4 Members will be notified of the committee meetings at least 7 days in advance of the meeting via email or posted in the Facebook group.
6.5 The notice of the Committee meeting must state the date, time and place of the meeting.
Annual General Meeting (“AGM”)
6.6 The Club AGM shall be held in each year in Oct.
6.7 Notice of the AGM must be advertised in the Members Facebook group and issued via email at least 35 days in advance.
6.8 The notice of the AGM must state the date, time and place of the meeting.
6.9 All paid up members present at the AGM are entitled to vote.
6.10 A resolution put to a vote at any meeting shall be decided by a show of hands of those entitled to vote. Where more than one nominee for an elected position has been received, a ballot, secret to the nominee, may take place if requested by either nominee or those entitled to vote.
6.11 Any member may submit a vote on any matter due to arise at an AGM in writing to the Committee not less than 3 days before the AGM, and such a vote shall be counted as if the member were present at the AGM and voting in person. Notification should be via email to
6.12 Items for discussion at the (AGM or EGM), not originating from the Committee, that are likely to give rise to a vote for constitutional change should be notified to the Committee either by a post on the Club’s AGM event page on Facebook or via email to at least 21 days before the AGM.
6.13 The Treasurer shall provide a Statement of Income and Expenditure in respect of the Club’s finances for the preceding year.
7 Extraordinary General Meetings (“EGM”)
7.1 The Captain or 3 committee members, or a petition signed by not less than 20% of Club members may call an EGM and in accordance with 6.12.
7.2 The notice of the EGM must state the date, time and place of the meeting.
7.3 All members present at the EGM are entitled to vote.
7.4 The agenda for the EGM shall be posted in the members Facebook group and issued via email at least 7 days before the EGM.
7.5 An EGM shall be quorate provided the number of Club members exceeds the number of committee members.
8 Constitutional Amendments:
8.1 Members may alter or add to this Constitution, within reason, at the AGM, or at an EGM if necessary and in accordance to section 6.12.
8.2 Any constitutional changes will require support of 75% of the attendees at any AGM or EGM.
8.3 If a discussion arises during an AGM or EGM that gives rise to a vote for constitutional change that is not on the agenda, then any vote should be deferred to an EGM at a later date.
8.4 If following an amendment to the Constitution, the paragraph numbers of the Constitution require amendment, this amendment will be deemed as automatically approved without the need for a vote, as will any grammatical amendments that are required.
9 Disputes
9.1 Any matter or matter of interpretation not provided for in this Constitution shall be voted on by the Committee whose majority decision shall be final.
10 Termination of the Club
10.1 The Club shall not terminate except by a resolution of an EGM convened for the purpose.
10.2 In such an event, any surplus assets shall be handed over to a body or bodies with similar objectives or to a charity or charities agreed by the meeting, which formally terminates the Club.
11 Club Accounts
11.1 All monies belonging to the Club shall be placed in a bank account in the Club’s name and will be run in accordance with Appendix 1.
11.2 The club shall aim to keep in reserve the monetary sum of 1 times the annual running costs of the club.
12 Distribution of Profits
12.1 In no circumstances can any profit be distributed to members, but any surplus income earned shall be used for furthering the objectives of the Club.
13 Expenses
13.1 All Committee positions shall be voluntary with no payment for services rendered after payment of reasonable expenses. The definition of reasonable shall be determined by the Committee, if person is unsure whether an item is considered to be a reasonable expense they should consult the Committee for guidance.
13.2 The Committee are responsible to approve all expenses; as a minimum, approval shall be required from 2 members of the committee.
14 Club Coaches & Activators
14.1 A club coach or activator is a club member that holds a recognised qualification from British Triathlon or Triathlon England.
14.2 Club coaches or activators will not be paid for giving a club session, although any expenses incurred can be redeemed via the club expenses process.
14.3 A club coach or activator can also be a member that holds other recognised qualifications, e.g., ASA qualification, or British cycling leader, validated via the club committee.
14.4 All club coaches and activators are required to be familiar with, and shall follow the latest Coaching Guidelines published by Triathlon England.
14.5 All coaching is undertaken and delivered in line with these guidelines.
14.6 Coaches and activators shall be required observe all the club rules whilst delivering coaching.
14.7 Commitment for coaching/leading sessions in return for funding courses shall be agreed by the majority agreement of the Committee, relative to the amount of funding required.
Appendix 1 – Club Finances
The Captain, Treasurer and Secretary shall be authorised signatories to the bank account.
The signatories must be registered with the bank and changes where necessary must be notified to the bank in a reasonable time.
Two signatories shall be required for all cheques.
The financial year for the Club shall end the Sept so the accounts can be finalised for presentation at the AGM.
Payments must be supported by receipts or invoices and must be retained by the Treasurer for a minimum of 1 year.
The Treasurer must ensure that all cheques received are banked within 3 months of the date on the cheque.
The Treasurer must ensure that all cash received is paid into the bank account in a timely fashion.
All income and expenditure should be recorded on a ledger maintained by the Treasurer.
Any interest earned should be added to the ledger.
Appendix 2 – Committee Positions – job descriptions
Club responsibilities shall be as follows:
- To be responsible for guiding the activities of the Club and in accordance with the club Constitution
- Will chair meetings and ensure that committee members carry out their responsibilities.
- To report on Club’s activities at the AGM
- Act as a spokesperson and ambassador for the Club
- Have responsibility for all general correspondence with third parties.
- Organise meetings as directed by the Captain and be responsible for advertising them on the Club Facebook page and via email to members
- Responsible for taking and distributing minutes of meetings and the recording of any
- Retain a copy of all general documentation such as the Constitution
- Remind the committee members of the appropriate timetable for action of items referred to in the Constitution and
- Ensure that the Club’s affiliation to British Triathlon and insurance is maintained.
- Have ultimate responsibility on behalf of the Club members, for safeguarding the Club’s assets and maintaining accurate accounting records
- To make the Committee aware of any foreseen financial difficulties
- Prepare a statement of Income and Expenditure for presentation at the AGM
- Ensure that club funds are not used for any purpose which is not in accordance with the
- Be responsible for the creation and review of any financial regulations
Membership and Social coordinator
- Ensure the collection of membership fees and completed membership forms for both new and annual membership renewals
- To maintain safe and secure records of club membership in accordance with General Data Protection Regulations.
- Co-ordination and organisation of social activities with the assistance of members.
- Main communication between the committee and club members
- Maintain club facebook group and website.
Training and Events coordinator
- To be the club point of contact for any training activities that members may suggest.
- Work with Club coaches for the club training program and proposing the schedule.
- Communicate the club coaching schedule to the membership
- .Co-ordination and organisation of training activities with the assistance of coaches.
- Ensure that all RIsk Assessments and Emergency Action Plans are kept and maintained by the coaching team.
- Liaises with the coaching team to ensure all their needs are met
Welfare Officer
- Act as the first point of contact for individuals who have queries or concerns regarding safeguarding.
- Ensure that all club personnel who work with children / young people have received appropriate training.
- Facilitate the process of DBS checks when required.
- Receive, record and forward to the Lead Officer of your Home Nation any concerns that are expressed to you.
- Keep confidential records of all related documents.
- Ensure that the club has a safeguarding and child protection policy and that this is followed and accessible to all.
- Be familiar with national safeguarding and child protection policies Time Required – This will vary by club, but you can expect to attend 8-12 club meetings a year lasting approximately 1-2 hour.
COVID Officer
- Act as a main point of contact for all members with regards to COVID-19.
- To oversee the implementation of all risk assessments applicable to club sessions.
- Act as the link between the club and venue operators and ensure both are following current up to date guidelines.
- Keep up to date with the latest Government and British Triathlon advice and guidelines on COVID-19. Ensure that the club is following the latest guidelines.
- Communicate with committee any COVID-19 protocol concerns raised by members to any of the COVID-19 Officers concerning the Club. This includes any breaches of COVID-19 protocol by the club or members.
- Regularly review the clubs risk assessments and safety documents and recommend changes when necessary.
- Ensure all coaches conduct thorough risk assessments before the start of each session and this is communicated to all participants.
- Promote good practice to members and remind members of protocols where necessary.
- Communicate directly to all members and parents/carers to remind members of new rules and promote via the club’s social media accounts to educate all personnel about the COVID-19 controls in place.
- Ensure an attendance register is taken, and retained, before the start of each club session in case of the need to track and trace.
- To support the Chair, Welfare Officer and/or coaches with any related COVID-19 issues.
- Advise the committee on the effectiveness of the COVID-19 risk assessments and other documentation and seek advice and guidance where required.
- If the club organise and deliver an event to ensure the race director is following the latest British Triathlon COVID-19 Event Delivery Guidelines
- Creation and distribution of COVID-19 packs to the coaching team as required.
- Creation, update and implementation (if required) of procedure for dealing with a positive COVID-19 case within the club membership.
Appendix 3 – Rules governing Website and Facebook Group.
The Club shall maintain a website and Facebook group to be used for official communications with its members.
Official communications from the committee shall be posted in the Club Facebook group and via email.
The Club shall have a Facebook group page (“the Club’s Facebook group”) for members to communicate with each other. Only NBTC members will be able to access the Club’s Facebook group.
Posts must not be rude, obscene, insulting or offensive in any way.
The Committee reserves the right to immediately remove, without notice, any post thought to be offensive, inappropriate or potentially libelous. The person who has placed that post will be given a warning via a personal message.
If a Member has any concerns about any posts on the Website or the Club’s Facebook Group, they should notify the Committee via email to
Discussion of criminal and/or illegal activities, including but not limited to, software and music piracy and other intellectual property violations are not permitted neither are links to download locations of copyrighted material or the posting of any illegal or copyrighted material.
Users should not post personal contact details of any other user without their permission.
Spamming, commercial posts and commercial signatures are not allowed. In exceptional circumstances, where the Committee deems it beneficial to the aims and activities of the Club, special dispensation may be given to certain posts on the Club’s Facebook group from ventures that may be considered as having a commercial motive. The Committee will notify Members of any such dispensation by a post on the Club’s Facebook page. If Members have concerns about any such dispensation they can follow the procedure set out in section 7.0 above and call an EGM.
The Committee has discretion to allow company advertising for example for companies which have supported the Club or who offer discounts, or that give information of a company offer, but the club members who are posting shall not get any financial gain. The Committee may also use their discretion to occasionally post a link to news-feed of the Club’s Facebook Group.
Members can advertise personal items for sale on the Facebook page but this is solely for non-commercial personal sales. Members can also post details of events taking place or relevant news on the Facebook page that they think may be of interest to Members.
Users remain solely responsible for the content of their messages.
Continued breach of these rules may lead to a permanent ban from submitting posts. A member breaching these rules may have their membership suspended or terminated at the discretion of the Committee.
Appendix 5 – Disciplinary Procedures
Guidelines for Disciplinary Procedures
Where a member is considered to have transgressed the constitution in a manner that the committee deems is serious enough to warrant further action the following procedures should be followed:
The member should be given a fair opportunity to put forward their defence of the allegations at a disciplinary meeting. This is to allow the club member to put their side of the story forward in order to establish any facts and help give more clarity to the allegations.
The club secretary will write to the club member concerned as soon as is feasibly possible, outlining the allegations and inviting them to attend a disciplinary meeting.
Present at this meeting should be 3 committee members that are independent from the matter or matters being investigated. The club member concerned may also bring a friend and or witness.
In order to ensure this is handled in a sensitive and private manner, this meeting should happen away from the regular club evening meet location.
The meeting shall be recorded and the minutes circulated back to the full committee. The full committee shall then meet and decide on appropriate further action. The following actions are available to the committee.
-No further action necessary.
-Verbal Warning.
-Temporary suspension of membership benefits
-Termination of Membership.
It is the responsibility of the Captain and the club secretary to communicate the outcome to the club member. The outcomes of this should be recorded and held on file by the club secretary for a minimum of 3 years.
Any arising minutes should not be put into the public domain but held on record by the club secretary.